
Baby Update

How far along?: 17 Weeks
How big is baby?: The size of an onion!
Weight gain?: 3+ lbs...depending on the day (I lost 5 in the first trimester, gained that back, and some more...so who really knows)
Stretch marks?: Nope, but I am sure they're coming.
Maternity clothes: Yes, my old pants still fit, but they aren't near as comfortable. I wear regular tops and maternity tops.
Sleep?: Not too shabby. I am falling asleep on the couch by 9, but having trouble sleeping through the night mostly because of bathroom breaks.
Best moment this week?: Leaving school on Friday ready for a 3 day weekend and finding out my student did NOT have fifths disease (scary!).
Food Cravings?: Sausage biscuits and baked potatoes (not together)
Gender?: We find out in less than 3 weeks!
Movement?: Nope. Still waiting. (Feel free to leave me a comment to tell me when you first felt yours.)
What I miss?: Not much. Sleeping through the night.
Belly button: In but wide. You can see the indentation through my shirts. Ew.
What I'm looking forward to?: Finding out what Sprout is and school being out (2 weeks).


The Rausch's said...

You look great!! I didn't feel Sammy start moving until 21 weeks. I remember being worried because the books say sooner, but it happened late for us. Once I felt him start moving, he never stopped! :) Can't wait to hear Sprout's gender!! Love you!

James, Caitlin and Ella said...

Congratulations! I follow Karla and I saw that she visited you and "sprout" and of course knew what that meant! Congrats to the both of you. Jimmy says Congrats too! Can't wait to hear and see updates!