
Why didn't we think of this?


Probably because the bride and groom have no coordination and the best dancer in our wedding party was the minister.


In The Doghouse

As you can see, Moose is getting bigger. Now, he's truly TALLER than I am. :)

We figured it's time for him to get his own place.

So Steve built it this weekend.

It's pretty big. We can all fit in it.
Moose LOVES it. He was walking in and out of it before it was even finished.
Now we just have to see if he likes it when he's locked up in there.

Great Job, Steve!

*The plan is to have him in there when we are out and about during the day. He will still be relaxing on the couch with us in the evenings and in his crate at night. We just wanted a place for him outside since he LOVES to be outside. It will also be possible to have him in there when we are gone overnight so someone can just stop by and give him food and water and take him on a quick walk.


He Passed!

Good news! Steve passed the test he took for work at the end of April. He was sure that he had failed it. He even finished an hour and a half early because he was so confused he just gave it his best guess (not what a teacher wants to hear). Now, he's one step closer to being a real engineer! :) The best news is he won't have another test for a few years!



Here are some pics from our Colorado trip last week. We had a great time with 3 other couples from Marshall. We spent a week in Steve's parents' cabin in Middle-of-Nowhere, Colorado. :) Since there is nothing much to do in the area, we had a blast relaxing, eating, playing cornhole, watching movies, playing cards, hiking, laying out, and eating some more.

As for Moose? Well, he stayed home with Steve's aunt, uncle, and four cousins. I'm sure he was spoiled and had a lot of fun playing, but he was happy to be home.
(yes, folks, that is an adult LARGE t-shirt he's busting out of)