
My Womb is Like a Vibrating Steam Shower

Hailey is a wonderful baby, but I wouldn't say she's a "good baby." She knows what she wants and what she likes, and if you don't give it to her, she lets you know. That's ok...for now(I just hope the babysitter is ok with it).

Well, there have been a couple of times where I just can't figure out what she needs/wants. She's fed, has a clean diaper, burped, given gas drops, warm, entertained, etc, but she still is screaming.

What works
A vibrating sauna...that's what. Hailey and I go into our guest bathroom, shut the door, turn off the lights (the nightlight is on), turn on the shower (hot as it gets), and I sit her in her vibrating seat (Thanks, GGG). It works every time!

If only she'd sleep like this all the time.
*Thanks, Karla, for the picture. :)

1 comment:

The Rausch's said...

Love her! Justin mailed the CD of all the pics today.