
1 Month Old

Hailey turned one month last weekend! First, let me apologize for any typos. Hailey is napping on my shoulder and I have the laptop propped up on the boppee on my lap. Her booty is on the laptop so she can get a pat when needed. Ahhh, the life of a mom on maternity leave. Glamourous, huh?

I finally got to take Hailey's 1 month picture. In true Hailey style, she was the boss of this photo shoot!

"Ohhh, Mom, I don't know about this. Another picture?"

"Hey! Look over there! That's more fun than that dumb camera!"

"Fiiinnneee. Take the stupid picture.

"Consider this photo shoot OVER!"

Maybe the 2 month photo shoot will be easier...maybe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Megan! I use to take Maky's picture each month sitting by a little lamb she recieved as a gift! Oh, you are so like me! :)