
Moose Turned One!

Moose turned one at the end of last month. I don't think he realizes that because he still acts like a puppy. According to the great dane growth chart, Danes still gain 30 pounds after they turn one. Whew!
For his birthday, Moose got a banana waffle with peanut butter for breakfast and a cool collar.

When we got Moose, I wanted him to have a red collar. He did...until he grew out of the "small" collar. That didn't take long.

Steve always wanted him to have a leather collar. Now that we know he's not going to grow too much more, we got him the fancy leather collar with his name/address/phone number on it.

I don't mind it, but I like the red one best. The leather one makes him look mean. Steve says he just looks "tough."

Here is what Moose has done all summer long. Doesn't he look mean? Tough?

1 comment:

The Rausch's said...

Happy Belated Birthday Moose!! He does look tough with his new collar!