

Hey Guys! Happy Father's day! Wanna know who the best dad is? My dad. Well, I prefer to call him dadadadadada.
My dad is the best because he does things you wouldn't BELIEVE "Woodz" would do.

He changes my diapers, gives me baths, feeds me, and talks to me.

He'll do ANYTHING to make me laugh...or even crack a smile.

And when I cry, he hugs me, kisses me, and bounces me until I am all better (ok, sometimes he just tells me to get over it).

Anyway, Dad, if you're reading this...(and we know you do)...thanks for being so awesome. I can't wait to grow up and be just like you...and mom.

1 comment:

James, Caitlin and Ella said...

I love this! Jimmy loves it too because of the Metallica onesie :) So sweet!