
7 Months Old

Age: 7 Months

Weight: Probably between 16 and 17 pounds

Height: not sure

Size: Size 3 diapers. She's growing out of some of her 6-9 month clothes. I am in the process of pulling out 12 month clothes that I bought her a long time ago. A lot of them have long sleeves so I am going to see if I can cut them off to make short sleeves. She still has tiny feet. I'm thinking she's still in size 2 or maybe 3.

Hair: She's still a bald baby!

Sleeping: She's starting to go to bed later most nights. She's out between 8 and 9 and then wakes up around 5 or so to eat and go back to sleep. Lately she's been sleeping until 6 and then wakes to eat. It just keeps getting better. Hailey also takes 2 naps in her crib one weekends and doesn't get rocked to sleep. She does a great job!

Eating: Hailey eats solids 2-3 times a day. She nurses 3-4 times a day and has 2-3 bottles at the sitter. The girl LOVES to eat. I'm getting braver and trying to give her tastes of people food. So far she's had waffles, berry smoothie (on accident...we didn't know she could drink out of a straw), mashed potatoes, cows milk, toast, and cantelope. She likes everything and would eat as much as I give her, but she only gets a taste for now. She also got "real" baby food last week when we were without power for 5 days. I couldn't open the freezer so I went to the grocery and bought enough baby food to last us the week. She liked it, of course, but now we're back to the homemade stuff.

Movement: Hailey loves to move, as long as someone is doing the moving for her. She rolls to her belly, and that's about it. :) I guess that's a good thing because we can leave the room, and she stays in one spot...for now.

Milestones: Hailey can drink out of a regular straw and is sitting even better. She still falls, but not as much.

Favorite toys/activities: She loves to play with burp rags. She's chewing more and more and loves to wrap fabric around her thumb and chew! Hailey loves to ride in the carrier facing forward. She also loves to swing outside and take baths in her grandmas' sinks.

Dislikes: Having her nose wiped. Being cuddled (except when she doesn't feel well).

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