
4 months (1 week, 1 day...oops)

Age: 4 Months

Weight: 14 pounds 9 ounces

Height: 25 3/4 inches

Size: Size 2 diapers, mostly 3-6 month clothes

Hair: It's still just dark fuzz. Lots of people comment on how round her head is. I think that's just a nice way of saying, "Wow! Your baby is really bald."

Sleeping: Bedtime is between 7:30 and 8 since we cut out her evening nap. She's been just waking up once to eat and sleeping until 6. On weekends, she'll go back to sleep after eating if we're lucky.

Eating: Like a piggy! She's taking 3-5 ounce bottles at the babysitter every 3 hours. We recently started cereal and she loves it. Eating has never been a problem for this girl.

Movement: She's still not rolling over. She picks her legs up, throws them to the side, and then she's done. :) She loves to sit and stand while holding your hands.

Milestones: Sitting and standing (assisted, of course), making more noises

Favorite toys/activities: her play mat, sitting up in her swing, exercises with mom, being carried around (forward facing), chewing and licking everything

Dislikes: When she's sleepy, she wants to be held and walked, but any other time, she's pretty much a happy girl.

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