
35 Weeks Down...35 Days to Go....

...or something like that.

How far along?: 35 Weeks
How big is baby?: She should be about 5ish pounds, but we don't know. I feel MUCH bigger every day.
Weight gain?: 30 pounds...gasp! It's hard for me to admit that, but I guess there's nothing to be ashamed of. My dr. said I am doing great. :) Gotta love those doctors!
Stretch marks?: some tiny ones on my hips...I am sure more are coming...gee thanks, Sprout
Maternity clothes: of course, but Steve's fleece pants and t-shirts are my favorite
Sleep?: Most of the time, I sleep really well, but acid reflux kept me up all night Sunday night. It was probably the worst night of my whole pregnancy. Steve had to go downstairs and steal Tums out of Moose's medicine basket.
Best moment this week?: Seeing everyone at my New Castle baby shower
Food Cravings?: It changes moment to moment. I do love food.
Gender?: She BETTER be a girl (or we are in serious trouble)!
Movement?: Oh yeah. Steve and I were cuddling on the couch the other night and she started to kick him. :)
What I miss?: I love being pregnant, but sometimes I do wonder what it was like to not be so big. It's getting hard to fit in places. Today, I couldn't sit at a table because I couldn't fit. How embarassing!
Belly button: Still in and no signs of coming out...woohoo! I can't believe it!
What I'm looking forward to?: I have one more baby shower at work next week, and then the real nesting begins!


Jonica said...

I'm glad you updated because I was starting to worry about you. You look soooooo cute.

The Van Vactor family said...

megan you look so great! I love looking at all your crafts you've done for the baby! they are great! you'll be a great mom! congrats you're almost there!