
Bathing Beauty

Hailey grew out of the infant tub a month or two ago. She actually learned how to arch her back and get out of the seat part to submerge herself into the water...not safe...and annoying. After that we moved onto the inflatable duck tub. She liked it so much she popped a hole in it and we had to blow it up every other night...also annoying.

So here's our new gadget! She loves it, and her dad loves piling all of her toys in the tub and playing with her.


Jane said...

I am really impressed as to how many bath toys this child has accummulated in 8 short months!

Jonica Ray said...

What a big girl she is now...taking a big girl bath!! :) She is absolutely beautiful Megan. Miss you...

James, Caitlin and Ella said...

Cool gadget! She is so adorable :)