
3 Months Old

Hailey is 3 months old! To be honest, I have waited for this for quite a while because the internet says 3 months is the magical time when fussiness goes away. Luckily, that seemed to happen a few weeks ago. Of course, she still isn't constantly happy, but what baby is?

Age: 3 Months

Weight: No idea. I am guessing around 14 lbs.

Size: Breaking out of size 1 diapers, but we're trying to use them all up. In between 0-3 months and 3-6 months clothes.

Hair: It's fuzzy and dark. She has a bald spot forming on the back.

Sleeping: Bedtime is between 8 and 8:30. She wakes up once if we're lucky, twice if life is good, and three times if it's a rough night. We get her up at 6:15 for the day on weekdays.

Eating: She nurses every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day if she's with me, but goes longer if she's at the babysitter since she's taking a bottle. She's up to 3 ounce bottles!

Movement: not much....wiggling in her crib so sometimes she's turned around but that's about it

Milestones: She rubs her eyes when she's sleepy, blows bubbles, sticks her tongue out and holds her head up longer.

Favorite toys/activities: her play mat, being talked to, wearing only a diaper

Dislikes: being hot, crowds, being in her carseat (sometimes)

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