
Weekly Moose Update

I'm a little embarrassed that our new dog is all I write about on our blog. I am sure to everyone else he isn't as cute and funny as we think he is, but w/o writing about the dog, I wouldn't have much else to blog about. Basically, he is it. Really, our lives haven't changed much since we have him. We just take him with us.

We still go on with our normal lives. Steve is commuting to Kzoo 5 days a week for work, and I love teaching in Marshall. After work, we play with the dog, eat dinner, watch tv, and go to bed. Repeat. Weekends are more fun. Mom and dad came to visit last weekend....to see the dog. :) We had lots of fun with them. Next weekend, we're heading to Justin and Karla's, and the week after that, we are celebrating Steve's grandpa's b-day with the Woods family. Pretty normal stuff, but we like it.

So, here are more Moose pictures. People who see him weekly are always commenting on how much he has grown. People who don't know him ask if he's a lab...haha. One day they will stop asking that.
Here's the weekly growth update. I think he definitely looks bigger than week 1. He's grown a lot this week. He's almost too big for me to carry.
Moose likes to check out the cows on the farm. He's not scared of them. He thinks he's pretty big. :)

Thanks Grandma Jackie for sending the "six-pack money" in the housewarming card. We used to to go to Sidetracks for ice cream. They even have a puppy size cup that is topped with a dog bone. Moose LOVED it.Moose takes a bath once a week (so does Steve). He does so well in the bathtub. I am very happy about this because one day I won't be able to wrestle my 150 lb dog in the bathtub.

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