
10 Months

Age: 10 (and a half) months

Weight: She was 18 pounds at 9 and a half months. That was our last doctor's visit before her one year appointment.

Height: She seems to be about average. Her clothes fit her just fine, I guess.

Size: She's probably ready for size 4 diapers but we are using up the 3's. She is growing out of 9 month clothes, wearing 12 months well, and fitting into some 18 months clothes. I love the constantly changing wardrobe! Her feet, however, are a different story. She can still wear her socks from last winter. :)

Hair: It's getting a little longer and a little thicker, but you would only notice that if you know about her lack of hair. People who don't know her, just see her as a bald baby.

Sleep: Wellllllll...she was doing great with 2 naps that are 1-2 hours each and sleeping from 8-7 at night with one snack break, but lately she's starting to switch things up. I think it's due to me going back to work. I hope it gets better....please!

Eating: Hailey is eating more people food. She loves pizza! She ate a whole piece last night. She is not as easy as she used to be and certainly has opinions about what she wants. Some nights she wants baby food and others she wants people food. She'll never turn away ice cream though...that's my girl!

Movement: I am proud (and slightly sad) to announce our girl is crawling! She picked it up shortly after going back to the sitter and she cand MOVE! She's everywhere, and I am exhausted. :)

Milestones: Hailey had her first sweet corn....that's a milestone, right? Other than that, she's clapping, crawling, dancing, waving, climbing. That sounds like a toddler, doesn't it?

Favorites: Hailey loves when we hold her under her arms and spin her. She also loves a stuffed monkey Steve gave me when we were dating. She is happiest when we are visiting friends and family so we're on the go a lot!

Dislikes: Currently, she's not a fan of nursing and wants a bottle. Let's hope that stops before my next post. She's also not a fan of vegetables or getting into the carseat when she's sleepy. Who can blame her?

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