
10 Things on 10 Weeks

Hailey is 10 weeks old today! Wow! I'm not sure if time has flown, or if it seems like she's always been with us, but we are so happy to have her.

So, here are 10 things we love about our "little buddy" (that's what her dad calls her):

10: When Hailey is sleepy or upset, she rubs her nose back and forth on your shoulder, "Stevie Wonder Style." When I am not around, I can tell if she's been upset because her nose is red from rubbing.

9: She's an excellent nurser (is nurser a word?). From day 1 we haven't had any problems with breastfeeding. I joke it's been the one thing she's happy about. (knock on wood)

8: We LOVE her cheeks. She was born with (what we thought was) big cheeks and they keep getting bigger. Sometimes I squish them together to get the full effect. She doesn't seem to mind. I'm her mom. I'm allowed to do those things.

7. Those LIPS! Hailey has some serious lips and loves to push them out. She's starting to grow into them...or maybe we are just getting used to them.

6. Hailey loves to be swaddled. Often, if she is upset and we start to swaddle her, she lets out an "ahhhh." It's too sweet.

5. When Hailey wakes up and we unswaddle her, her arms shoot up out of the swaddle and she sticks her lips out and stretches. Sometimes I unswaddle her just to see this act.

4. Hailey loves her baths. I give her a bath every night because it makes her happy.

3. Every morning after Hailey eats I prop her up on her boppy on my lap and we talk. She's a great listener but sometimes she smiles at all the wrong times. :)

2. I almost forgot all of her "imperfections." She has a "strawberry" on her chest, another birthmark on her bootie, hair on her ears (still), and funny pointed toenails. These are things that are only cute on a baby. She ROCKS the hairy ears. :)

1. We love our Hailey because she's ours. She's certainly not a perfect baby, but she's sweet, smart, and beautiful. She stubborn like her daddy, emotional like her momma, and happy to be here...we think.

1 comment:

James, Caitlin and Ella said...

I love all the things you love about her! She just keeps getting more beautiful. It is amazing to watch them grow. I can't believe ours is 14 months today :) She still has those pointy toe nails too!!