How far along?: 21 Weeks+2 days
How big is baby?: The size of a banana. At our June 18th appointment, she was about 9 ounces.
Weight gain?: 9 pounds! Whoa! I may need to hold off on the ice cream, but I probably wont.
Stretch marks?: not yet
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Sleep?: Sleep is good, but one morning, I woke up at 3 and couldn't get back to sleep until 5. Coyotes, baby taps, and hunger kept me awake.
Best moment this week?: Feeling Sprout kick from the outside this morning. She's getting stronger!
Food Cravings?: Nachos with cheese!
Gender?: She's a girl!
Movement?: At least once a day I feel her. I wish I could feel her more, but I learned at my last appointment that the placenta is in front of her and is cushioning some of her movements.
What I miss?: sleeping on my belly. Sometimes I wake up and I am on my belly! Sorry Sprout!
Belly button: It's in, but it's strange. It's kind of slanted now.
What I'm looking forward to?: I can't wait until Steve can feel her kicks!
1 comment:
Megan, I'm so excited for you. You look great! Pammy
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