

Last night, we were clicking through the TV channels and we found a show on great danes. Did you know Scooby and Marmaduke are both great danes? Marmaduke is actually by a man that owns only great danes and illustrates all the funny stuff they do. It's funny to look at the Marmaduke comics now and think Moose does that!

Yesterday, I watched Steve's 4 year old cousin, Sydney. Syd and Moose are about the same size now. Moose is just a bit bigger. Sydney ate a couple cookies....and this is what happened! I keep telling her it's only going to get worse. :)

I have to share what my wonderful and talented hubby did for me. I wanted to start a money system in my classroom to give them rewards and consequences. So, Steve made me some Moose money.


Anonymous said...

I love the money. Our high school class earns money for the level they are on and doing extra jobs around the room. On Mondays the have to do a ledger and put deposits and debits in their checkbook. It's never too early to teach them about the value of a dollar.

Anonymous said...

I am not anonymous!