
Fun With Moose

We've had Moose for a little over a week now. He's been lots of fun (and work). Over the week I took a lot of pictures so we could remember when he used to be "little."

Isn't that face (Moose's) the cutest?!?!? Seriously, we make a great team. How can Steve resist that?

It doesn't look like he's grown much since last week in this picture, but I assure you he has. It's tough for me to carry him around in my arms now. He went to the vet on Saturday and he weighs 25lbs...at 10 weeks.

The feasels have been over a lot this week to play with Moose. It's great because after being crated all day, he's ready to PLAY. It was so cute watching these three "wrestle."
This is what Moose and I do best. He's only allowed on the couch in the gameroom, and he has a hard time getting up there on his own (he doesn't know his legs are that long), but he's a great cuddler and loves to sleep.
Moose hurt his leg playing with Steve's parents' dog on Friday. I think it's getting better, but I felt bad for him. It didn't seem to bother him much, but you could tell by the way he put weight on it that it was hurting.
As I said, we went to the vet on Saturday. Everything went well, but Moose did growl when he got his shot. He got in a little trouble by the vet, but I can't say that I blame him. I would growl, too. He weighs 25lbs and the vet said he'd be at 50 real soon. WOW! If you want to see our "puppy", you better come quick!
He had his first bath on Saturday...and again on Sunday when he got a little sick. They make coconut doggy shampoo! Now, he and Steve smell just alike!
Now, we're heading to the farm so Moose can get used to riding in a car, being around a lot of kids, and playing with other animals. He loves to run around and bark at the cows so it should be entertaining.


Anonymous said...

Ok, seriously...with that first pic of you and Moose, I'm pretty sure you two could get anything you wanted out of Woodz! Watch out!

Anonymous said...

Hey Megan! It's Fall Break and I was thinking about you. I got on the Internet and searched for this blog that I keep hearing about. I loved reading about all of the new things that are going on in your life. Moose is sooo cute and I love your haircut.