Age: 11 and a half months. We're almost there!
Weight: Not real sure. She's over the 20 pound mark and slimming down. Her legs are still chunky though.Height: Not sure. She seems pretty short. Her sleeves are always too long, and her pants are over her feet most times.
Size: She is growing out of 12 month clothes and into 18 month clothes. We started buying size 4 diapers. Hailey still has tiny feet, but they seem to be thinning. Hopefully we won't always have to buy "wides."
Hair: She is getting a "tuft" in the back, but she's still mostly bald. Oh well, I only have to run a washcloth over her head to "wash" her hair.
Sleep: Hailey goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps until 6:30ish. She also takes two naps a day that total about 3 hours.
Eating: I am a free woman! Hailey doesn't nurse anymore and I don't have to make baby food because she eats people food. Hailey is still drinking pumped milk 2-3 times a day. She eats whatever we eat plus lots of snacks. She loves fruit and macaroni and cheese. She tried cows milk this month. We gave it to her hoping it would make her drink more, but she was just okay with it so we're holding off on giving her more until we run out of breast milk. She gets a bottle at night so she will drink more. She really doesn't care to drink at all. She'd rather eat.
Movement: Hailey is crawling, climbing, and cruising along furniture. She can walk with a "walker" but isn't walking on her own...yet.
Milestones: Hailey pulls up on everything (including the walls), climbs stairs quickly, and can sign "more." Sometimes she can point to her nose...if you're lucky.
Favorites: Haiey still loves to eat, read her board books, dance, and be outside. She also loves to look out the window and climb.
Dislikes: When she's sleepy she's not a fan of playing by herself or getting into her carseat, but she's pretty easy going now.