
We're Ready!

We're ready to change from this...

...to this!

C'mon summer!
We're tired of snow, ice, and staying inside! We're ready for walks, swimming, and staying home with mom!


Flower Child

Michaels had fake flowers on sale for 99 cents each. After some serious shopping for summer clothes (for Hailey) we stopped by Michaels to pick up matching flowers. When I got home, I took them apart, mixed up the petals, added a gemstone, and attached them to a clip. Think she has enough? Nah!


Mommy's Little Helper

I love that Hailey is growing out of her fussiness so I can actually get things done with her around. Over the snow day we did laundry, and made cookies...in our PJ's! :)

This summer is going to be so much fun!



In the past week or so Hailey has perfected her head control so I thought we'd give the jumperoo a try. She likes it, but doesn't get the jumping part. She's just happy to look at all of the toys.

Thanks Aunty Betsy for getting it for me! :)


Daddy's PJ's

Steve's mom handed down these pj's. They are so cozy and perfect for snow days.


Chubby Baby

Blanket Photo Shoot

Oh Deer!

These guys were our dinner entertainment for a few days.

I cant wait until Hailey can enjoy looking out our big windows at all of the animals!


Snow Day!

Today is our THIRD snow day since I have been back to work!
Really, it's an ice day.
Yesterday, we got this.

Last night I got the call that school was cancelled.
So this morning looked like this.

LOVE her! AND that iced coffee in the background. :)


Colorful Cutie

Do you think there's enough color in her life?


Handy Daddy

A child of a teacher is bound to have a lot of books. Especially if that teacher teaches first grade. :) When I was pregnant, my class even held a baby shower in Hailey's honor and gave us a ton of books.

Projects don't get done as fast as they used to, since we have Hailey, but they do get done. Steve started this one about a month ago, and finished it this weekend.
It was worth the wait.


Dinner Guest

When she's not napping, we have a new dinner guest!
Hailey got a high chair so she can sit in it while we eat dinner. :)
She really likes it because it's easier for her to grab things on the tray.


Deer and foxes and shrews...OH MY!

Earlier, I posted about the fox in our backyard. We see fox around here every once in a while, but never in our backyard. Deer, on the other hand, are pretty common, and can be a bit of a nuisance in Marshall.

We have a new problem around here.
Steve has caught three SHREWS in our garage this year. He regularly sets out mousetraps, but has never caught one of these creepy creatures...until now.

*This picture is stolen from google images. Our shrews look just like this...only smashed in a mousetrap and half eaten by their shrew friends. Well, we hope it is their shrew friends...and not another creepy creature.


How's Moose Doing?

A lot of people have asked about Moose since Hailey has been around. He's doing well, but may be a little more destructive these days. He's always had a destructive side, but it's increased. He decided the rug is his new toy. Not every rug...just one rug. Oh well. It's just a rug.



Look what we found in our backyard!



Hailey loves her bathtime, which is why we give her a bath every.single.night. If she's happy, we're happy. We have quite the routine down.

First, she lays on the bathroom counter and coos and laughs at her dad. They practice blowing bubbles together.
Then, she takes her vitamin. She starts with a "yucky" face, but quickly sucks it down.
Finally, she makes it to the tub. When she first gets in, she gets some "crazy eyes" but she settles in after a few seconds and loves it.


3 Months Old

Hailey is 3 months old! To be honest, I have waited for this for quite a while because the internet says 3 months is the magical time when fussiness goes away. Luckily, that seemed to happen a few weeks ago. Of course, she still isn't constantly happy, but what baby is?

Age: 3 Months

Weight: No idea. I am guessing around 14 lbs.

Size: Breaking out of size 1 diapers, but we're trying to use them all up. In between 0-3 months and 3-6 months clothes.

Hair: It's fuzzy and dark. She has a bald spot forming on the back.

Sleeping: Bedtime is between 8 and 8:30. She wakes up once if we're lucky, twice if life is good, and three times if it's a rough night. We get her up at 6:15 for the day on weekdays.

Eating: She nurses every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day if she's with me, but goes longer if she's at the babysitter since she's taking a bottle. She's up to 3 ounce bottles!

Movement: not much....wiggling in her crib so sometimes she's turned around but that's about it

Milestones: She rubs her eyes when she's sleepy, blows bubbles, sticks her tongue out and holds her head up longer.

Favorite toys/activities: her play mat, being talked to, wearing only a diaper

Dislikes: being hot, crowds, being in her carseat (sometimes)



Hailey is starting to love her play time. I'm so grateful because it entertains her for long enough for me to unpack after work. She loves to kick the animals, but can't quite grab them yet.


Snow Day!

Today is Hailey's first snow day! I'm not sure if she was happy to be home with her mom, because she seems to really like the babysitter, but I was VERY happy to stay home with her.

Ahhh, it doesn't get much better than this. :)