
She's Going to Hate Me For This One Day

Listen carefully after Hailey's cry.

I know it's disgusting, but it cracked me up. Such horrible sounds coming from such a cute little girl!

Her Daddy will be SO proud!


This One's For You, GGG!

Hailey's Great Grandma Gard (GGG=Triple G) bought her this vibrating seat. She loves it, and so do I because it keeps her happy while I get dressed/brush my teeth/etc.

This one's for you GGG.

Decorating for Christmas

Last night we went to Steve's grandparents to set up and decorate their Christmas tree. It was a lot of fun. The best part was Hailey was so sleepy from the fun night of pizza, family, and decorating that she slept the best she's ever slept. She only woke up once between 10 and 5:30!

Here is a video from the night: Sydney, Steve's cousin, singing Jingle Bells in front of the Christmas tree we decorated.
*This one's for you, Marianne. :)


Tummy Time

Turn off your sound for this one. Hailey isn't a fan of tummy time, but she's getting stronger every day!


1 Month Old

Hailey turned one month last weekend! First, let me apologize for any typos. Hailey is napping on my shoulder and I have the laptop propped up on the boppee on my lap. Her booty is on the laptop so she can get a pat when needed. Ahhh, the life of a mom on maternity leave. Glamourous, huh?

I finally got to take Hailey's 1 month picture. In true Hailey style, she was the boss of this photo shoot!

"Ohhh, Mom, I don't know about this. Another picture?"

"Hey! Look over there! That's more fun than that dumb camera!"

"Fiiinnneee. Take the stupid picture.

"Consider this photo shoot OVER!"

Maybe the 2 month photo shoot will be easier...maybe.


My Womb is Like a Vibrating Steam Shower

Hailey is a wonderful baby, but I wouldn't say she's a "good baby." She knows what she wants and what she likes, and if you don't give it to her, she lets you know. That's ok...for now(I just hope the babysitter is ok with it).

Well, there have been a couple of times where I just can't figure out what she needs/wants. She's fed, has a clean diaper, burped, given gas drops, warm, entertained, etc, but she still is screaming.

What works
A vibrating sauna...that's what. Hailey and I go into our guest bathroom, shut the door, turn off the lights (the nightlight is on), turn on the shower (hot as it gets), and I sit her in her vibrating seat (Thanks, GGG). It works every time!

If only she'd sleep like this all the time.
*Thanks, Karla, for the picture. :)


Prettiest Little Hillbilly

Hailey has the best of both worlds: A mom who loves to shop, make bows,and dress up her little girl AND a dad who likes to be outside, get dirty, and cares less about what others think about his "style."

Opening day of deer season was less than a week after Hailey's due date so I made her a cute PINK camoflauge outfit to wear. Since then, she has received several other camo outfits which makes her the prettiest little hillbilly ever!

Well, when Steve called to tell me he shot a buck, I quickly put Hailey in her outfit to celebrate and went over to see him.

Steve wanted to take pictures...gross.

I can't believe I agreed to this picture, but look at how proud her daddy is!


Sooo big!

The videos below aren't too exciting, but I know her grandparents and great-grandparents will think they are VERY exciting. She's getting so big! I love that she has more head control and is beginning to interact with things!

*If you know how to put more than one video in a post, please leave me a comment and let me know. I am new at this.

Hailey and her Play Mat

Hailey is beginning to look at things. She LOVES the green octopus.

Hailey and Sophie

Hailey loves her Sophie that her friend Sammy gave her!